Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

The Penn State Engineering Ambassadors wish you a Happy New Year! 2011 is here to stay and we have a lot of exciting activities planned for the spring semester! We know this is an exciting time for all you High School seniors. With college admissions completed, acceptance letters will be mailed home before you know it!

We are constantly updating our website with new events, videos, information on Penn State and the College of Engineering and more. To schedule a visit with the College of Engineering, please fill out the online visit request:

You will be able to put together a full day's schedule of activities including: College info session, Visiting a department, and taking a campus tour with a few of the Ambassadors.

Interested in having some of our Ambassadors come to your High School to give Engineering presentations? Have your teacher contact us at:

We look forward to meeting with you this spring semester!
Yours in Engineering,
The Penn State Engineering Ambassadors