Pintrest. Just saying the word makes you think of crafts, clothes, recipes and animals exploding all over your computer screen. But have you ever taken the time to look at your Pin Board and think about the design, or consider changing certain aspects to make it more user-friendly? Tracy Chou has, and she is one of the many people behind the new verb “pinning.”

know how there was a big deal about that thing landing on Mars a few weeks
ago? Well that “thing” is the Mars
Curiosity Rover, and it’s right now being used to analyze whether or not
the planet could support life. Brian Schratz and Ray Baker are a part of the
team which made sure it was actually able to land.

A man was in a
motorcycle crash leaving him completely paralyzed. That is, until seven years later when he used his mind to
control a robotic arm and touched the hand of his girlfriend for the first time
since the crash. This was the
result of many years of research led by Dr. Michael Boninger.
What could all of
these people named possibly have in common? They are making a difference obviously, but something that
may be surprising is they are all engineers. A common misconception is that engineers sit at desks and
look at numbers all day. FALSE. Engineers are traveling the world,
founding companies, becoming doctors or lawyers, you name it. That is what is so perfect about
engineering: you can do whatever you want with it! Save the world, create iPhone Apps, work for your favorite
food company, literally whatever you want. Whether it’s defeating diseases, taking us to other planets,
or helping share our interests, engineers impact every part of our lives and
are solving the world’s problems every day.