I like to say that computer science is hands-down the most unique engineering major. I never say that it is harder or easier than other engineering majors, because it is incomparable. If you want to manipulate tiny changes in voltage that only last microseconds to make awesome, indescribable stuff happen, computer science is for you. If you want to work with your hands? Maybe not so much.
The story of how I got involved in computer science is a long story – see previous blog post at http://psuengineeringambassadors.blogspot.com/2010/10/how-did-you-choose-your-major-anna-rish.html. Basically, I had no idea what I wanted to do and fate might have stepped in a little to point me in the right direction. I have always loved math (true story: I used to be a mathlete) and really wanted to pursue something similar in college. Computer science has a lot of the aspects that I like about math, like critical thinking, problem-solving using algorithms, and dependability. One of my favorite things about math is that it doesn’t change – two plus two is always four – and it’s either right or wrong, with no grey areas. Computer science is the same. Your program behaves deterministically (usually…), and it works, or it doesn’t. A lot of time it doesn’t. But if computer science is right for you, seeing it work will be worth it. I think that is basically what it comes down to – whether or not the sometimes large amount of painstaking detail-oriented work is worth it to you. It is to me.
Computer science at Penn State has two main subject areas – programming/systems and theory. Every freshman starts out by taking a four-course programming sequence that covers C++, Java, and C. Other classes that I associate with programming are things like operating systems and computer & network security. These classes aren’t focused on learning a specific language, but they do introduce various implementations of systems and often include programming projects to help build your proficiency. The second set of courses that a computer science major takes at Penn State is the theory classes. These classes include discrete math, data structures & algorithms, theory of computation, and programming language concepts. These classes focus on the mathematical basis of the field and often involve writing proofs of various theorems. These classes are essential to building your understanding of how various programming concepts work.
Another reason that I love computer science is that there are jobs available in every field imaginable. This is especially true in today’s world, where every company needs a website and storage, and every industry is starting to incorporate computers and technology. Companies like Boeing are just as interested in hiring computer science majors as they are Aerospace Engineers. The possibilities are literally endless, and they are expanding every day. I also enjoy learning about new technologies – computer science is a new field, and it is growing fast. I like this, because I know that I will not be working with the same technology for 40 years once I enter the workforce.
If there is anything else I can do to convince you that computer science is an awesome major, or if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at acr5136@psu.edu. I would love to share more information with you!
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