In addition to working, Milwaukee was a fun place to spend my summer with about 150 other interns. A large group of us all lived within the same apartment complex which was at the edge of the city. This allowed for a quick commute to work during the week and a short taxi or bus ride to the lake on the weekends. Never being out in the Midwest before, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect but made sure to take advantage of every opportunity. I got to see a ton of concerts at Milwaukee's music festival called Summerfest and played countless number of volleyball games at the "beach" near the lake. Interns also planned a lot of events, as we volunteered at a 5K for cancer research and also went to a Milwaukee Brewers game together. I truly made some amazing friends that I still stay in touch with which only added to my summer experience.
My best advice when looking for an internship would be to not be afraid of going too far away from home or to a place you've never been before. I lived with three other girls this summer and only briefly knew one before the summer. Together we all had extremely different work positions which allowed us to view a number of aspects and made the large corporation feel a lot smaller. Definitely try to reach out of your comfort zone during an internship so when you begin to think about a full time job, you have a much better idea of what you're looking for.
-Danielle DaSilva
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