What Is Your Favorite Class?– Keri Wolfe (junior, Chemical Engineering)
I came into freshma
n year with zero AP credits…I took the classes, but I wanted a review of the material when I came into college. The Honors classes were a great middle ground between the classes I’d already completed in high school and the next level that I wasn’t ready for. My favorite class that I’ve taken here at Penn State would have to be Chem 112H: Introduction to Chemical Principles II. It was taught by a fantastically friendly and enthusiastic professor. He really loved the subject, and had a gift for explaining things. Instead of a class of hundreds, our class had only 30 people since it was an Honors class. We had one essay exam and two poster projects during the semester. These poster projects were a great opportunity to get us ready to present research projects in the future. I even got the chance to present about something that interested me: biomimicry. I spoke about how chemists are trying to artificially replicate hydrophobicity by analyzing the lotus leaf, a naturally hydrophobic surface. We also did a pretty intense research paper--mine was about a protein called ferritin. For our final exam, we had individualized oral examinations. The professor spent so much of his own time doing 45-minute exams one-on-one with every student in the class! He helped us along with hints, and we were allowed to adjust our answers as we went—he really wanted to see us learn and do well in the class! I can honestly say that I don’t know one person who did not love the class!-Keri Wolfe
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