Deciding to come to Penn State was one the best decisions of my life, and it was an even better decision to enter into the College of Engineering. Not long after I settled into my freshman and sophomore year did I soon realized that the classes I was participating in had a wide variety of all engineering disciplines. I wanted to enter into my major classes right away, but I soon found out that I needed to learn the basics before I dove into the core subject classes. However, even though these classes were just the building blocks to my overall goal, I soon found out that these building blocks led me down numerous pathways. At Penn State, it is required that all freshman engineering students take an Engineering Design class where
we learn how to draw multi view drawing, work in a group project and learn how to operation a three-dimensional computer program called Solidworks. Well, little did I know that what I learned at the end of freshman year would help me receive an incredible internship at the end of my sophomore year. I received a summer internship at Penn State University working for the Integrated Design Services.

For the summer, I had the assignment of designing a surveillance warning system for the Naval Research Lab located in Washington, D.C. I obtained this job because I knew how to use Solidworks and my project was to be created using this software. Over the summer, I gained a wealth of knowledge from my mentors at work. I learned a lot about electrons, both heating and cooling systems, and got to experience firsthand my parts being made in a machine shop. Than the best part of my summer came at the very end where I was given the opportunity to go to the Naval Research Lab in Washington, D.C. and present my project to the head of the department. It was such an awesome experience that will never forget. I am very thankful that Penn State has opportunities like this for their students to be a part of.
-Kylie Sheplock
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